Janet Travell, M.D., became this country’s first female White House Physician in 1960.

She served under Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. She was leading medical pioneer in the field of myofascial pain and dysfunction caused by trigger points. Dr. Janet Travell and Dr. David Simons co-authored “Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction, The Trigger Point Manual. Her revolutionary concepts about pain have improved the lives of millions of people. (1)

(1) Davies, (Mr.) Clair, with Davies, Amber, “The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief,” New Harbinger Publications, Inc., Oakland, CA, 2001, p. 15.

The Janet Travell Foundation

The Janet Travell Foundation was co-founded by Janet Travell Street and Virginia P. Street, and is dedicated to the legacy of Janet Travell’s life and work. As Dr. Travell’s granddaughter and daughter, our mission is to create an online resource and home base for anyone interested in learning more about Janet Travell’s life and contribution to myofascial pain trigger point therapy.


Our goal for 2025 is to establish The Janet Travell Foundation as a non-profit charitable organization and preserve Dr. Travell’s legacy as an online resource library to share with the world. Here you’ll find Dr. Travell’s medical, scientific, family and personal records, as well as articles by guest columnists and exclusive educational materials available to our subscribers and patrons.

Many of the original documents were donated to The Gelman Library and are currently accessible by requesting to view the documents in person at the Georgetown University campus. Our goal is to work with a team of local researchers to photograph and digitize the most important documents, and build an online library on this platform.

That is just the beginning. We have some exciting plans ahead. Subscribe to stay updated on new projects we’re working on now. Join us in bringing “Travell 2.0” to a new generation of myofascial trigger point therapists worldwide.

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Granddaughter of Janet Travell, M.D., and Founder/Director at The Janet Travell Foundation.